Post Office Soja Exiles Unity
Playground Soja Exiles

Hi Unity 3D Developer!

I have so many things in motion!

The Post office package has been approved, the Playground is updated to all its beautiful glory, my new Ferris Wheel is up as well and I’m currently finishing up the Courthouse, it’s coming out beautifully.  However, I do need to speed it up.

I will probably go back to all my previous packages and update the build kit because I have adjusted the way the main interior walls work and the new method is better.  It needs to be done quickly, easily it can turn into a bigger project than it should be and take me a month to update all the previous packages.  That cannot happen!  I’m just excited to keep going and building up the roster of assets and move on to even bigger packages.

My ultimate goal is still in tact, I want to be able to build a city.  I want all the packages to be interchangeable and work together.  whether its to build a demo, or an actual game.  I want Unity 3D Developers to go to my store, pick what they want and start building.  It’s already happening and I am grateful for everyone who takes faith in my abilities.  Spread the word, I need all the support I can get, every little bit counts.

Time is always against me, never on my side and I’ve tried to make it my friend and we keep letting each other down.  Se la vi, right?  What can i do, but keep pushing forward!  To all my fellow developers, experts to amateurs, keep building, keep learning!


Soja Exiles