About Me!

Hi Everyone!
My name is Alexis Guevara AKA Soja Exiles, my journey beings after 14 years of working a typical behind the desk job. I took an 8 week course in Unity that the company Playcrafting offered located in New York City. This sparked a long fuse I had inside me in video game development.
After downloading many Assets from the Unity3D Asset Store for my class, I felt I needed to contribute as well. My first Asset was the Wine Liquor Beer and Glassware, it was a blast to make and I wanted to share it with everyone. I started expanding the set and it went from having 16 Prefabs to now over 500 Prefabs!
People were leaving me comments, and giving me compliments. I thought maybe I could start developing more assets for the Unity store. It was a big decision to develop and update assets full time.
I love the community and I love when people feel that my packages are good enough to be downloaded an used in their projects. It’s the biggest honor you can give me to have faith in my work. I thank everyone who downloads even the smallest package, it really makes me excited and pushes me to develop and update even more packages.
I hope you like what I have to offer! All artwork is original and created by me.
If you have a question, suggestions, Ideas, please e-mail me at support@sojaexiles.com.
Anyone looking to learn and develop games through an aggressive and extensive course in the USA should explore Playcrafting.